14 research outputs found

    Reducing effective dose to a paediatric phantom by using different combinations of kVp, mAs and additional filtration whilst maintaining image quality

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    Purpose: To determine whether using different combinations of kVp and mAs with additional filtration can reduce the effective dose to a paediatric phantom whilst maintaining diagnostic image quality. Methods: 27 images of a paediatric AP pelvis phantom were acquired with different kVp, mAs and additional copper filtration. Images were displayed on quality controlled monitors with dimmed lighting. Ten diagnostic radiographers (5 students and 5 experienced radiographers) had eye tests to assess visual acuity before rating the images. Each image was rated for visual image quality against a reference image using 2 alternative forced choice software using a 5-point Likert scale. Physical measures (SNR and CNR) were also taken to assess image quality. Results: Of the 27 images rated, 13 of them were of acceptable image quality and had a dose lower than the image with standard acquisition parameters. Two were produced without filtration, 6 with 0.1mm and 5 with 0.2mm copper filtration. Statistical analysis found that the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was high. Discussion: It is possible to obtain an image of acceptable image quality with a dose that is lower than published guidelines. There are some areas of the study that could be improved. These include using a wider range of kVp and mAs to give an exact set of parameters to use. Conclusion: Additional filtration has been identified as amajor tool for reducing effective dose whilst maintaining acceptable image quality in a 5 year old phantom

    Review article – A narrative review on the reduction of effective dose to a paediatric patient by using different combinations of kVp, mAs and additional filtration whilst maintaining image quality

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    This paper reviews the literature for lowering of dose to paediatric patients through use of exposure factors and additional filtration. Dose reference levels set by The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) will be considered. Guidance was put in place in 1996 requires updating to come into line with modern imaging equipment. There is a wide range of literature that specifies that grids should not be used on paediatric patients. Although much of the literature advocates additional filtration, contrasting views on the relative benefits of using aluminium or copper filtration, and their effects on dose reduction and image quality can vary. Changing kVp and mAs has an effect on the dose to the patient and image quality. Collimation protects adjacent structures whilst reducing scattered radiation

    Experimental article – Reducing effective dose to a paediatric phantom by using different combinations of kVp, mAs and additional filtration whilst maintaining image quality

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    Purpose: To determine whether using different combinations of kVp and mAs with additional filtration can reduce the effective dose to a paediatric phantom whilst maintaining diagnostic image quality. Methods: 27 images of a paediatric AP pelvis phantom were acquired with different kVp, mAs and additional copper filtration. Images were displayed on quality controlled monitors with dimmed lighting. Ten diagnostic radiographers (5 students and 5 experienced radiographers) had eye tests to assess visual acuity before rating the images. Each image was rated for visual image quality against a reference image using 2 alternative forced choice software using a 5-point Likert scale. Physical measures (SNR and CNR) were also taken to assess image quality. Results: Of the 27 images rated, 13 of them were of acceptable image quality and had a dose lower than the image with standard acquisition parameters. Two were produced without filtration, 6 with 0.1mm and 5 with 0.2mm copper filtration. Statistical analysis found that the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was high. Discussion: It is possible to obtain an image of acceptable image quality with a dose that is lower than published guidelines. There are some areas of the study that could be improved. These include using a wider range of kVp and mAs to give an exact set of parameters to use. Conclusion: Additional filtration has been identified as amajor tool for reducing effective dose whilst maintaining acceptable image quality in a 5 year old phantom

    Caracterização da prática dos técnicos de radiologia em tomossíntese mamária em instituições da região de Lisboa

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    Em Portugal, mamógrafos com tomossíntese integrada têm sido implementados ainda que não existam protocolos definidos globalmente. Este estudo pretende averiguar qual o tipo de formação disponibilizada aos técnicos de radiologia (TR) nesta técnica de imagem e caracterizar as práticas em tomossíntese mamária (TM) em instituições da região de Lisboa

    Impact of ocean warming on the early ontogeny of cephalopods: a metabolic approach

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    The impact of a realistic warming scenario on the metabolic physiology of early cephalopod (squid Loligo vulgaris and cuttlefish Sepia officinalis) life stages was investigated. During exposure to the warming conditions (19 °C for the western coast of Portugal in 2100), the increase in oxygen consumption rates throughout embryogenesis was much steeper in squid (28-fold increase) than in cuttlefish (11-fold increase). The elevated catabolic activity–accelerated oxygen depletion within egg capsules, which exacerbated metabolic suppression toward the end of embryogenesis. Squid late-stage embryos appear to be more impacted by warming via metabolic suppression than cuttlefish embryos. At all temperature scenarios, the transition from encapsulated embryos to planktonic paralarvae implied metabolic increments higher than 100 %. Contrary to the nektobenthic strategy of cuttlefish newborns, the planktonic squid paralarvae rely predominantly on pulsed jet locomotion that dramatically increases their energy requirements. In the future, hatchlings will require more food per unit body size and, thus, feeding intake success will be crucial, especially for squid with high metabolic rates and low levels of metabolic reserves